Scrupulously protect the small family, have the courage to take responsibility and take care of ever
Release time:2020-04-03

Wang Jiyang is the head of Zhejiang pinnuo Machinery Co., Ltd., the nerve center of Wozhou town chamber of Commerce, and a deputy to the National People's Congress serving the people. During the epidemic prevention period, he firmly based on the three identities, planned and prepared in advance, made effective efforts in many ways, made achievements in the whole process, interpreted his role in practical work and played a full role in the charge. He not only protected the small family of "pinnuo machinery", but also took care of the big family of Wozhou and Xinchang.

The deployment plan takes the lead. He is the parent who guards the employees. The epidemic is threatening, and there can be no delay. As the person in charge of the enterprise, he regarded 380 employees as their families and launched self-help action at the first time. Start the plan, conduct in-depth arrangement, purchase materials, transform places, establish a dynamic information database for employees, share and circulate three times a day, and add publicity modules in the database to ensure knowledge sharing, policy sharing and experience sharing, with a total of more than 1000 pieces of information shared. Epidemic prevention and resumption of work should be carried out with both hands, and every effort should be made to strive for opportunities. After returning to work, although the situation was relatively stable, he insisted on strict management and control, took the lead in canceling all face-to-face meetings, opened cloud meetings on wechat, nailing and other platforms, and actively resumed work and explored the market. At the same time, it is more important to ensure the life safety of employees.

He is at the helm of the same boat. Solve difficulties together and overcome difficulties together. In response to the tide of resumption of work, he contacted 40 members of the chamber of Commerce and 36 supplier enterprises to collect material needs and difficulties in resumption of work, help solve the shortage problem, properly arrange foreign employees, and give help within his ability to help members tide over the difficulties. At the same time, strictly follow the standards for resumption of work and actively guide the preparations for resumption of work. He said, "we should play this game of chess and win this battle. Each of us can't fall behind".

The performance of duty and service are in place. He is a person with a heart to deliver charcoal in the snow. Thinking of the shortage of domestic materials, he contacted overseas procurement channels early in the morning to arrange personnel to purchase epidemic prevention materials such as masks, forehead temperature guns and disinfectants, and finally purchased 24000 masks in Malaysia. In response, members of the chamber of Commerce in Wozhou town donated money and materials to the front line of the war on "epidemic", and donated anti epidemic materials worth more than 300000 yuan. Different kinds of masks, different amounts of money, one by one and one by one are proof of their efforts. This winter, it is cold because of the epidemic, and it is getting warmer because of them.
