Annual social responsibility report
Release time:2020-10-27

Zhejiang pinnuo Machinery Co., Ltd

Report on fulfilling social responsibility in 2019

Important tips

The management of the company guarantees that there are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions in the contents of this report, and assumes individual and joint liabilities for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of its contents.

March 2020

About this report

The 2019 social responsibility report of Zhejiang pinnuo Machinery Co., Ltd. summarizes and reflects the practice of Zhejiang pinnuo Machinery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the company") in promoting sustainable economic development, sustainable social development and sustainable environmental and ecological development while producing and operating in 2019.

Report time:

The reporting time of this report is from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.

Report scope:

The organization scope of this report is Zhejiang pinnuo Machinery Co., Ltd.

Release form:

This report is published in electronic form.


1、 Company profile three

(1) Basic information of the company three

(2) Corporate governance structure three

(3) Business overview in 2019 five

2、 The company's understanding of social responsibility five

3、 Social responsibility in promoting sustainable economic development six

(1) Improve corporate governance and operate in accordance with laws and regulations six

(2) Paying taxes in good faith according to law six

(3) Building a Harmonious Investor Relationship seven

(4) Provide customers with high-quality products and services seven

4、 Social responsibility in promoting environmental and ecological sustainable development eight

(1) Focus on energy conservation three

(2) Focus on cleaner production process eight

5、 .......................................... In the implementation of social responsibility for sustainable development eight

(1) Protection of shareholders' rights and interests nine

(2) Strengthen staff training nine

(3) Deeply understand the needs of employees and provide employee satisfaction ten

(4) Strengthening safety production eleven

(5) Actively participate in public welfare three

6、 Honor of the company three

7、 2020 outlook three


1、 Company profile

(1) Basic information of the company

Zhejiang pinnuo Machinery Co., Ltd. was established in 2002 with a registered capital of 40.7 million yuan. It is a professional bearing manufacturer integrating the production of non-standard, Po grade or above bearing rings and heat-treated bearing rings, selling self-produced products, and providing relevant after-sales technical services and solutions. The company now has fixed assets of 39.28 million yuan, covers an area of 19000 square meters and employs more than 207 people, including 25 managers and 58 technicians.

Pinuo machinery has nearly 73 automatic hydraulic production lines, 44 sets of numerical control equipment, and a turning capacity of more than 63 million pieces / year. The product covers all kinds of standard and non-standard bearing rings with an outer diameter of 20mm-300mm. At the same time, it has 2 heat treatment production lines, with an annual capacity of more than 6720 tons / year. The production process of the product shall be implemented in accordance with IATF / 16949:2016 standard and passed the third-party audit of IATF specialized agencies; At the same time, the company has passed the ISO / 14001:2015 environmental system certification and reviewed the national environmental and safety requirements for product production. The products have been exported to more than 10 countries and regions around the world, and the end customers include Tesla and other automobile manufacturers.

We are a young team with multi-cultural backgrounds. We not only have new thinking methods, but also have a group of experts who have been engaged in the industry for many years. Pinuo takes "achieving customers, serving employees, giving back to shareholders and benefiting the society" as its corporate mission and "becoming the most trusted high-end bearing manufacturing enterprise" as its corporate vision, pinuo has created a good corporate culture and brand image, so that the enterprise can maintain sustainable, stable and healthy development. The company has always adhered to the following quality policy: never stop quality improvement and win with quality; Provide products that meet customer requirements and satisfy users.

(2) Corporate governance structure

The joint stock company has established a corporate governance structure composed of shareholders, executive directors and the board of supervisors in accordance with the law, forming a mechanism of effective checks and balances and mutual coordination among power organs, executive organs and supervisory organs. Under this, the company has established and improved the company's management dominated by professional managers, The development purpose is to continuously create excellent return on investment and maximize shareholder value.

(3) Business overview in 2019

In 2019, the company actively responded to the complex economic situation at home and abroad and promoted the leapfrog development of the company by closely focusing on the working idea of "never forgetting the original intention, keeping the standard in mind, saving energy and reducing consumption and improving efficiency". On the one hand, expanding the market has achieved good business performance, with an annual sales revenue of 160 million yuan and a tax of 2.04 million yuan; On the other hand, we should pay attention to internal management, reduce costs and increase efficiency by strengthening operation control and refined management, lay a solid foundation for the steady development of the company, vigorously enhance the value of the company and repay shareholders.

In the past year, the company has also won a series of Honors:

In December 2019, 100 enterprises will promote the demonstration enterprise;

In December 2019, the provincial high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises.

2、 Corporate awareness of social responsibility

The company's social responsibility concept is a part of the company's management concept system, and its value is also reflected in the service concept, brand concept, environmental protection concept, caring for employees and social responsibility. The company always believes that while operating for a long time, being responsible for the interests of shareholders and maximizing profits, the enterprise should also bear the responsibilities to stakeholders and the whole society, so as to realize the coordinated relationship between the enterprise and the sustainable development of economy and society. Conscientiously fulfilling social responsibility is not only the only way for the company to enhance its own value and truly realize the leap to modern enterprises, but also the concrete action embodiment of implementing the people-oriented scientific outlook on development and building a socialist harmonious society.

Pinuo company takes "achieving customers, serving employees, giving back to shareholders and benefiting the society" as its corporate mission and "becoming the most trusted high-end bearing manufacturing enterprise" as its corporate vision. The company takes promoting the harmonious development of society as its own responsibility. By implementing the scientific outlook on development, the company effectively integrates the concept of sustainable development and building a harmonious society into the corporate culture, better serves consumers and brings more returns to stakeholders. In practice, the company constantly pursues the harmonious development between the enterprise and employees, society and nature, pays attention to energy conservation and environmental protection in the production process, protects the living environment to the greatest extent, returns the society with practical actions, protects the environment, cares for nature, creates a harmonious development environment, and performs social responsibilities.

The company's social responsibility concept: create value for customers, create wealth for shareholders, create opportunities for employees and create benefits for the society.

The company's service philosophy: pursue excellent quality and provide satisfactory service.

The company's brand concept: make in-depth products and let the world know made in China.

The company's environmental protection philosophy: strictly abide by environmental laws and prevent environmental pollution; Pay attention to energy conservation and consumption reduction to achieve sustainable development

3、 Social responsibility in promoting sustainable economic development(1) Improve corporate governance and operate in accordance with laws and regulations

Since its establishment, the company has continuously improved its corporate governance structure, improved its internal system, made clear provisions for the management to implement laws and administrative regulations and fulfill the obligations of integrity and diligence, adhered to legal operation, paid taxes according to law, based on good faith, and fulfilled legal and moral responsibilities.

At the same time, in accordance with laws and regulations and relevant requirements of the joint stock company, the company has established and improved systems such as information submission, internal control, asset management, standardized cost accounting, financial report management and internal and external audit, further improved the company's management system, improved the standardized operation level, and provided institutional guarantee for the company's legal and compliant operation.

(2) Paying taxes in good faith according to law

Paying taxes according to law is not only the obligation of enterprises, but also the concrete manifestation of enterprises' social responsibility. While ensuring the sustained and sound growth of national finance, taxation also plays a positive guiding role in accelerating the transformation of economic development mode, the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, energy conservation and emission reduction, and practicing low-carbon economy. As a leading enterprise in the industry, the company is not only a leading enterprise in the local aluminum alloy wheel industry, but also a large taxpayer. It has always been in the forefront of Taxation and strives to create a tax model.

With the continuous expansion of the company's business and the continuous improvement of its profitability, the tax created by the company for the country has also increased significantly year by year. In 2019, the company paid 2.04 million yuan of tax, which made a positive contribution to the development of national tax and local economy.

(3) Building Harmonious Investor Relations

Maximizing the interests of shareholders is one of the strategic objectives of the company. Safeguarding the rights and interests of shareholders and strengthening the management of investor relations are an important part of the company's work. Through the joint-stock company platform, the company adheres to honesty and diligence, performs the obligation of information disclosure, and ensures the right to know of the majority of shareholders, especially small and medium-sized shareholders. At the same time, in order to actively promote the communication between the company and shareholders and enable investors to have a deeper understanding of the company's development strategy and business conditions, the company also actively communicates with investors by receiving interviews from financial magazines and other means. On the one hand, better publicize the investment value of the company, enhance investor confidence and attract steady investors. On the other hand, by listening to professional opinions and combined with the company's own production and operation, provide information and suggestions for the decision-making of the company's leaders.

(4) Provide customers with high-quality products and services

The company always adheres to the quality policy of "never-ending quality improvement, winning with quality; providing products that meet customer needs and customer satisfaction", takes stabilizing and improving product quality as the goal of all staff, and gradually forms a quality control cycle system through long-term practice: Mastering customer needs, standard and standardized manufacturing, monitoring, analysis and improvement, preventing and reducing risks, Proper sales and delivery, technical support services and customer satisfaction.

1. Adhere to the "zero defect" quality goal

In 2019, the company continued to set the "zero defect" quality goal, comprehensively carried out the "quality year" activity within the company, comprehensively improved the work quality and significantly improved the product quality.

The company further improved the construction of management system and highlighted quality supervision. According to the requirements of the company's new quality inspection and testing system and the actual performance of the finished products, the company has re prepared and improved the key inspection and monitoring system, focusing on the quality of the incoming products and the key indicators, and continuously analyzed and improved the quality of the finished products according to the requirements of the company's new inspection and testing system. Innovate the methods of on-site daily inspection, centralized inspection, rectification and review. The monthly quality analysis meeting was held regularly. Through the monthly quality meeting, the problems existing in the process of production, manufacturing and customer use were systematically solved from the design source. A total of 15 quality rectifications were completed throughout the year, and the quality process was effectively controlled. The project approval review of special quality improvement projects has been increased, the project follow-up has been strengthened, the upper limit of rewards has been raised, and the scope of rewards has been expanded. The quality improvement has been effectively promoted, the quality complaint rate has decreased significantly, and the customer satisfaction has improved compared with the previous year.

2. Customer satisfaction measurement

Since 2013, the company has carried out customer satisfaction evaluation, continuously improved the investigation procedures, and conducted classified satisfaction surveys on strategic customers, important customers and general customers, covering all stages of pre-sales, in-sales and after-sales.

4、 Social responsibility in promoting environmental and ecological sustainable development

Conforming to the development direction of low-carbon economy in the future, the company strives to build a green product production chain. Starting from energy conservation, clean production process and clean products, the company pays close attention to the control of the whole process of product life cycle and production process, strives to minimize the impact of production and operation on the environment, and is committed to promoting the green environmental protection of the whole industrial chain by investing sewage Waste oil treatment equipment to avoid polluting sewage and waste oil outsourcing. It has reduced the impact on the surrounding environment and made great contributions to the society in promoting environmental and ecological sustainable development.

(1) Focus on energy conservation

The heat treatment production of the company needs to consume more energy, so the company always takes energy conservation as the key work, and constantly pays attention to it. By strengthening the construction of energy measurement and monitoring system, strengthening the promotion and application of new energy-saving equipment and technology and energy-saving technological transformation, the company continuously improves the energy utilization efficiency and actively promotes the construction of "two oriented" enterprises.

The company improves the energy utilization efficiency of existing production equipment and reduces energy consumption through measures to improve the level of existing process equipment and green production level and fine management level. In 2019, improve the Brine Evaporation Equipment of salt bath furnace to reduce power consumption loss.

(2) Pay attention to cleaner production process

The company filters and recovers the waste water in the turning production process and the waste oil in the heat treatment production process, so as to "make the best use of everything"; For the waste, residue and paper of no use value of the company, cooperate with the resource and recycling company, and the resource recycling company will recycle and dispose of them, and sign an annual cooperation agreement.

5、 Social responsibility in promoting social sustainable development

(1) Protect shareholders' rights and interests

Since its establishment, the company has standardized its operation in strict accordance with the requirements of the company law, the articles of association and other relevant laws, regulations and rules, continuously improved the corporate governance structure, treated all shareholders fairly, and ensured that shareholders fully enjoy all rights and interests stipulated by laws, regulations and rules. The company has formulated and improved the articles of association, rules of procedure of the general meeting of shareholders, rules of procedure of the board of directors, rules of procedure of the board of supervisors, independent director system, information disclosure management system, investor relations management system, fund use and management measures, detailed rules for the implementation of supplier management, procurement control procedures Production process control procedure, quality control plan management procedure, customer satisfaction evaluation procedure, internal accountability and other rules and regulations, the operation of the company's board of directors and board of supervisors is standardized and effective, and fully safeguard the interests of shareholders, employees and customers.

In 2019, the global economy grew slowly at a moderate rate. Although China's macro-economy operated steadily on the whole, the downward pressure and risks of the economy are still large, and the problems such as business difficulties of enterprises are generally prominent. According to the actual and potential needs of the market, determine the R & D direction and do a good job in technical reserves, so as to make the scientific and technological innovation ability and market expansion ability of enterprises more coordinated. Relying on the platform of the group's enterprise technology center and provincial research institutes, increase R & D investment (accounting for no less than 3% every year), improve the enterprise technological innovation system of "project is king and all staff innovation", cultivate industrial core technologies, key processes and independent intellectual property rights, research and develop functional and differentiated products, and increase the proportion of high value-added products.

Adopt new raw materials and new processes, reduce material and energy consumption, save gas, improve the environment, actively promote cleaner production technology, and realize the overall leadership in the industry in terms of technology, brand, quality, performance, energy conservation and environmental protection.

(2) Strengthen staff training

The training work pays more attention to practical results and is more grounded. Pinuo machinery learning plan is arranged. This learning plan makes full use of the huge course library of third-party training institutions, and can choose courses of personal interest according to employees' post characteristics, personal characteristics and career planning to improve employees' skills and quality in all aspects; At the same time, use the platform of the group company to carry out forward-looking training for middle and senior managers. In 2019, the company held 20 training sessions in total, with a total of 8.5 class hours per capita.

1. Systematically identify training needs

Accurately identify the training needs of different levels and departments according to the company's strategic planning and annual work policies and objectives, combined with the results of performance appraisal, job requirements, job ability matching of employees, and considering the personalized needs of employees.

2. Formulate training plan scientifically

According to the training demand survey of all departments, relevant levels and employees at the beginning of the year, through statistics, summary and analysis, and combined with the company's strategy, formulate the annual training plan In the specific implementation process, timely carry out targeted training according to the changes of internal and external environment and the adjustment of company policies.

3. A number of measures to ensure the implementation of training

The company has established a three-dimensional training course system involving five levels of senior managers, middle-level cadres, general management / technicians, team leaders and ordinary production employees, and four professional modules of "R & D, production, marketing and supply chain". In order to ensure the effective implementation of the training, a stepped internal trainer team is established; Adopt various training methods such as classroom teaching, network teaching, case analysis and action learning to improve the training effect. The leaders of the company set an example and the employees actively participated in the training. The company has formed a good atmosphere for creating a learning organization.

4. Improve the evaluation and assessment mechanism of training effect

The company uses various evaluation methods to evaluate the training effect and understand the trainees' evaluation and suggestions on the course content, teaching methods, training harvest and the application of training knowledge and skills, which provides a sufficient basis for continuously improving the training process and effectiveness.

(3) In depth understanding of employee needs and providing employee satisfaction


1. Satisfaction survey


Design of satisfaction survey: conduct satisfaction survey in six aspects: company management, work, salary and welfare, life and other aspects.


Implementation of satisfaction survey: December 1-30, 2019.


Evaluation and improvement of satisfaction results:


1.1 description of employee satisfaction index


The overall satisfaction of employees is 81.89%, which reflects the current management situation of the company, indicating that there are many sensitive groups of employees in the enterprise, who lack a good attitude and a weak sense of responsibility. The company must further improve management to improve employee satisfaction.


1.2 employee satisfaction analysis


From the statistical results, we can see that the employees' arrangement of salary and welfare and spare time activities needs to be improved. In comparison, the cooperation spirit among colleagues has reached a very satisfactory level. At the same time, the vast majority of employees agree with the company,


1.3 satisfaction with compensation and benefits


Employees are less satisfied with salary, so they need to understand whether the current salary level of the company is externally competitive through comparison with the salary level of the same industry, re evaluate the position, establish the position level matrix of the company, solve the problem of internal fairness, and closely combine the salary income of employees with position responsibility and work performance, Improve employees' interest and enthusiasm in work, and embody the employment mechanism of selection, competition, incentive and elimination. At the same time, improve the skills recognized by employees, improve production efficiency and improve their own income..


1.4 satisfaction with life


Employees are less satisfied with the arrangement of spare time activities, and spare time activities need to be increased. We need to strengthen corporate team activities, team activities and other small team activities, such as mountaineering and badminton, which can not only exercise but also enhance team cooperation.


A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed and 178 were recovered in the 2019 employee satisfaction survey, with a questionnaire recovery rate of 89%. The overall satisfaction was 81.89%. At the same time, summarize the opinions and suggestions put forward by various categories of employees in the questionnaire, feed back to relevant units in time, give replies or put forward preliminary solutions.


2. Improve the employee communication platform and carry out employee demand survey in various forms


The company widely collects the issues and suggestions concerned by employees through various channels such as "enterprise wechat" small suggestions and great improvement "platform, suggestion box, symposium and morning meeting, and determines the key factors affecting employees' rights and interests, satisfaction and enthusiasm through analysis and evaluation.

(4) Strengthen safety production


As a manufacturing enterprise, the company has a deep understanding of safety production guarantee, and always adheres to the policy of "safety first, combination of fire protection, full participation and comprehensive treatment", so as to ensure the safe operation of equipment, production and employees.


In 2019, the company will fully implement the safety production responsibility system as the core, fully implement the safety production objective management policy formulated at the beginning of the year, and fully carry out the education and training on safety production, fire safety, safety production, special operation supervision, hazardous chemical monitoring, accident investigation Safety inspection and other safety production management.


Create a safe production (labor protection) environment


The company strictly implements the labor law, production safety law, occupational disease prevention law and other relevant laws and regulations, formulates and improves the letter of responsibility for the management of production safety objectives, the approval system for hazardous operations, the implementation rules for the management of industrial accidents, the implementation rules for the inspection of production safety and other systems, and constantly improves the working environment of employees.


Organize the identification of hazard sources, environmental factors and key places, clarify the measurement methods and indicators, and take a series of preventive measures: transform, update and improve facilities, distribute labor protection articles, supervise labor protection, monitor occupational hazard factors and regular occupational health examination.


(2) Implement the safety production responsibility system and formulate emergency plans


The company adheres to the guideline of "safety first, prevention first and comprehensive management", improves the three level safety production network organization, quantifies safety production assessment step by step, comprehensively improves the level of production safety and technology, and applies new technologies and equipment widely. The accident rate is obviously reduced, so that no death accidents occur throughout the year, and the incidence rate of occupation diseases is zero.


(3) Actively promote project safety construction


The company signed the "letter of responsibility for safe production" with all departments to carry out regular and irregular construction site inspection on the aspects of power, gas, public security, special equipment, special operation personnel, construction personnel and equipment for hot work and dangerous operation, allocation of full-time safety supervision and management personnel in the safety management organization, safety management rules and regulations, etc, Through on-site education, order rectification within a time limit, economic punishment and other forms, do a good job in the "three Simultaneities" safety work of new, reconstruction and expansion projects, so as to ensure that there are no major accidents during the construction of the project.

(5) Actively participate in public welfare


The wealth of the company comes from the society, and it is the responsibility of the company to give back to the society. After the development and growth of the company, it has never forgotten to repay the society, bear social responsibility, unremittingly support the development of public welfare undertakings, and actively organize earthquake relief, donation to students, environmental protection undertakings and activities in support of the elderly activity center, which has been highly praised by the surrounding communities and rural areas. At the same time, the company issues the social responsibility report every year to enhance the awareness of social responsibility and actively accept the supervision of all sectors of society.


Detailed example of public welfare support investment amount


Public welfare industry


Amount (yuan)


2015 nursing home activities


28000 yuan


2016 love donation activity


5000 yuan


2017 love donation activities


5000 yuan


2018 love donation activity


5000 yuan


2019 love donation to hero Ang Lee


5000 yuan


2020 anti epidemic donation


50000 yuan


6、 Company honor


The company has always attached great importance to the construction of corporate image, and has won wide recognition from all walks of life through continuous efforts. The company has also received a series of Honors:


Name of award


Award time


Award Department


Xinchang Patent Demonstration Enterprise


two thousand and fifteen


Xinchang County People's Government


Xinchang cleaner production enterprise


two thousand and fifteen


Xinchang County People's Government


Zhejiang science and technology enterprise


two thousand and fifteen


Department of science and technology of Zhejiang Province


Shaoxing R & D Center


two thousand and sixteen


Shaoxing science and Technology Bureau


Shaoxing professional demonstration enterprise


two thousand and seventeen


Shaoxing science and Technology Bureau


Growing small and medium-sized enterprises


two thousand and nineteen


Xinchang County People's Government

7、 2020 outlook


In 2020, with the slow recovery of the global economy and the coexistence of medium and high-speed growth and downward pressure in the transition period, China's economic development entered a new normal. The company will continue to vigorously promote structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading, solidly and deeply promote the construction of social responsibility enterprises, highlight the role of responsibility management in the company's strategy and development planning, strive to practice and disseminate the concept of social responsibility, release social responsibility reports through benchmarking optimization, share responsibility fulfillment practices, and continuously improve the performance of social responsibility management.


In 2020, the company will unswervingly find the way from product structure adjustment, transformation and upgrading, market development, long-term innovation, quality and efficiency improvement, release Dividends with positive reform and promote the healthy development of the enterprise. The company strives to repay shareholders and other stakeholders with excellent business performance, lead industrial application with diversified scientific and technological innovation, promote environmental protection industry with the construction of energy conservation and emission reduction projects, accompany the growth of employees with sincere care and care, and give back to the society by participating in and organizing various forms of public welfare activities, so as to realize the harmony between the enterprise and the society and with employees Sustainable development in harmony with nature.


Zhejiang pinnuo Machinery Co., Ltd


March 2020